Mother and son, Fergusson Island, Papua New Guinea. B&W. 10x15 Acrylic

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Mother and son, Fergusson Island, Papua New Guinea. B&W. 10x15 inches Acrylic

We were watching a sing-sing, a traditional ceremony involving dancing and singing and often incredibly elaborate costumes and face paint. But I was more interested in the locals who came to watch. Shy children, mothers and stern looking men. This lady turned away from watching to performers to look straight at me, the exact moment went to take a picture. It was the perfect composition. Fergusson Island is the of the largest of the D'Entrecasteaux Islands in Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. Most of the island is mountainous, rising to over 3000 metres, and covered by rainforest, so villages are mostly along the coast. The performers here will not just be From fergusson, many had paddled from nearby islands to attend.

I have decided that 20% of the profit from all my prints from Papua New Guinea will go to the Wantok Support Charity, a UK based charity working to support people in Papua New Guinea who have financial difficulties, and supporting education, health and environmental projects in PNG. You can read more about the Wantok Support here

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