The sixbar wrasse, Thalassoma hardwicke, is a common species of wrasse (Labridae) found throughout much of the Indo-Pacific, from the coast of East Africa to Australia and French Polynesia. It is a pretty distinctive fish, pale bluey-green with 5 or 6 clearly defined black saddle bars across its back and broad, magenta-pink bars radiating from around the eye. It inhabits lagoons and outer reef slopes. It feeds on a variety of small crustaceans, fish and fish eggs. It is sometimes called Hardwicke’s wrasse (also spelled Hardwick’s wrasse) named after the British soldier and naturalist Major-General Thomas Hardwicke. Sixbar wrasse grow to about 20cm (8 inches) long.

The distinctive patterning of the sixbar wrasse can be clearly seen in the above photograph.
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